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Tech Sergeant
Jun 10, 2007
Lancaster, California
Hey guys, just a update on whats been going on.

Working with Lockheed on the F-35 is a blast. I am currently assigned to AF-7 (picture below). Lots of work and test flights going on. Its a new experience for me cause I am not used to working with stealth technology.

Just bought a house here in Lancaster (anyone wants the address pm me and I will get it to ya). Its a 4 bed 3 bath 2500 square feet. Beautiful home. I have been so busy with work and moving that I hardly have time for internet anymore. I do get the oppurtunity to stop by here every once in a while, but its been rare the past few months.

I hope everyone has a great summer. Be sure to stay cool, and dont work too hard. Have a great day!

Here is a video of the ferry flight from Ft. Worth to Edwards AFB.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqmcdo7HwXM
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Thanks for the update, glad to hear you're doin well! We understand, life edges out the internet (barely), so no worries! Just pop up now and then and post some pics of the planes!
Its a new experience for me cause I am not used to working with stealth technology.

Is your house stealthy as well ? :D

Good news matey and best wishes for the future

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