Victory Over the Carpet Monster!!!!

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Well I guess it's not really a carpet monster since I have a wood floor under my work bench, but you all know what I mean.

I dropped a set of exhaust stacks from the twin P-40 tonight - the second thing I've lost this week - so I really tore the place looking for it. After an hour of cleaning and looking under everything, I still had not found anything but paint encrusted toothpicks and cut bits of plastic sprue. Than a thought came to me and I started looking on top of the boxes stacked on the foot rest under my bench. Eureka!! Who would have thought tiny plastic parts could bounce a foot and a half high.

Here's the inventory
-The missing exhaust stacks
-The control panel mount for the P-40 I lost last week
-My small pin vice with drill bit
-Oxygen bottle from my Heavy Hitters B-24
-Strut from the A-8 Shrike I built for the between the wars GB
-Exhaust stack and cover from the Hawk 75 I made for the first foreign Service GB
-A Teflon washer from my airbrush
-And last an unidentified control column

I'll know where to look the next time I drop something :lol:

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some time back, I built a Hawker Sea fact two really. the first one, however I lost the props nd wing assembly, or so i thought. in fact id inadvertently packed some of the half finished kit into the box of another kit and then forgoten about it until long after id given up. i thought the dog or my son had taken the darn things. I bought another kit, finished the model, and only after months had gone by did I realize i had not lost the bits at all.

Very embarrassing......
Oh how we all know that 'ping' feeling and your right Glenn, how the hell can they travel so far and so high. What a find though, a veritable treasure trove!
It's amazing how things can fall, and then end up some distance from the original point of impact. Last night, one of the small croccodile clips on my 'Helping Hands' magnifier thingy, fell off as I picked it up from the table next to my bench. Being metal, it made a distinctive 'thunk', telling me it hit either the lower shelf of the table, or a wooden tool box protruding from beneath said shelf. This meant it had only fallen less than 18 inches.
I spent an hour looking for the blighter, and still haven't found it !!
some time back, I built a Hawker Sea fact two really. the first one, however I lost the props nd wing assembly, or so i thought. in fact id inadvertently packed some of the half finished kit into the box of another kit and then forgoten about it until long after id given up. i thought the dog or my son had taken the darn things. I bought another kit, finished the model, and only after months had gone by did I realize i had not lost the bits at all.

Very embarrassing......
Been there, done that :lol:
Haven't you heard the tale of the Chvy four barrel carburator? GM did a test..... "How many times can you rebuild a Quadrajet, and have enough parts left over to make a second carb"?

Floor? I've been working on a design for a bench room.
Grating under the bench and chair, swivel type of course, built over a void shaped like a funnel. A vacuum tube coming from the bottom into a filter bag next to the bench. Drop a part, whirrr, and pick the part out of the bag!!!!!!

Now how easy is that I ask you????????
Haven't you heard the tale of the Chvy four barrel carburator? GM did a test..... "How many times can you rebuild a Quadrajet, and have enough parts left over to make a second carb"?

Floor? I've been working on a design for a bench room.
Grating under the bench and chair, swivel type of course, built over a void shaped like a funnel. A vacuum tube coming from the bottom into a filter bag next to the bench. Drop a part, whirrr, and pick the part out of the bag!!!!!!

Now how easy is that I ask you????????

whatever your smoking, it has to be good stuff

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