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What blasphemy!
Some great colour shots Erich!
Did Brieglebs 88 some time ago...should post some pics hey...probably need to do it again? There are some things on this bird that need more attention....and possible correction, seeing I did not have much info to go on back then...
Jan..I think I've got about 6 Ju88's in my stash....from memory an A-4, 2 C's, 2 Mistels and a Ju188....think thats it?
trade it in ................. NOW ................. for an Ju 88G-6 in the larger scales. poop on the Bf 110 except for maybe the G-2 Zerstörer
Wayne post up pics of Walter B's crate and lets take a pic for critique time........
Will take some pics tomorrow arvo (Sat)....
and I also have a G-1/G-10 as well Jan!
Will have to send you a bottle of fine whisky for all your work!