Volcanic ash paralyses the skies over Europe!

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Hmm. I wonder if this ash is good as a weathering powder for modellers? Could have a business opportunity here..........

Was toying with the idea of driving North of Salisbury...all the way up to Scotland !!!....to get a few wheelbarrows full of this volcanioc ash, to flog on E-Bay to those down South, who havent had any of this ash !. However... after a few of my special drinks tonight, I've decided to forget that idea !
The only thing in the sky was the sun, it was just pure blue.

same here on the south coast - blue skies and sunshine. Not a contrail to be seen where normally the sky is full of them. This is actually pretty scary if it lasts - if enough sulphur dioxide is pumped out it could cause a micro climate change in northern Europe according to the BBC...
apparently the Finns put up some F-18s today and are now regretting it..
That thing is scary... I just hope that volcano will calm down soon... Hopefully before I go to Prague in September... And I hope it won't start up again before I get back ! Just imagine being stuck in Europe when I got to go to work two weeks later !

Ouch... I feel for the ones currently in that situation.
The sky is blue here, nothing in the air. According to the German weather service the ash is microscopic and can not be seen from the ground. It is supposed to be over us since 1800 yesterday.

Oh well, I just this volcano decides to quit before I fly over to Alaska in a few months.
Just seen on the news (completely as expected) that the flight ban has been extended again. TBH there is no real end in sight to this ban as the volcano is still erupting and, in the past, has continued for two years once it has blown) .

What does this mean for the airlines? Surely there will be bankruptcies through this? Every minute each plane is on the ground costs a fortune in airport levies as well as lost revenue and here we are with every airliner in Europe parked up. Are these charges still being levied in full?

Just wondering if anyone out there knows the situation here?

PS, no probs Adler. I never thought of this as 'off-topic', to me that is movies and women etc, not planes
Flight ban extended again, it will be reviewed at 01:00 on Sunday...


# P&O Ferries said it had dealt with 30,000 calls on Friday - the most it had dealt with on one day in its history. It said it would be unable to accept any further foot-passenger bookings

# Eurostar trains reported a complete sell-out of its services to Brussels and Paris for the second day on Friday. Its trains are fully booked until Monday.

Probably partly true, part paranoia. If this thing keeps going, we should have a cool summer over here. Same in Europe. Plus, a Russian Volcano blew last year. That probably threw more stuff up in to the Stratosphere.

Might get some very good sunsets in Europe over the next several months, with all the ash that high up. Might be worth keeping an eye on.

It's not that bad, the ash is basically microscopic particles drifting around above 10,000 feet. Even if it rained it would be higher than the clouds. When it all started there was a bit of something in one of the papers about how it might affect people with bronchial problems but that was just the press getting itself excited I think. The word they're using is that it will "disperse" rather than "fall".

Clear blue sky again. Beautiful day.

Not sure I'd want to be on the first jet off the tarmac at Heasthrow though... maybe the second if the first is OK
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