„Volksjäger“ (people fighter) Heinkel He 162 in 1:32 scale

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Now it's time for the ligther ochre.


Again smear the paint on but very lightly.


With the big and sturdy flat brush draw the grain as you like it.


You can play with various states of drying acryl paint. It's a thing of try and error.


Don't be too carefull now. Nothing is lost when the primer colour shines through contrary it adds.


Voila! Your first painted grain. You can leave it or go on.


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The rest of the wood story.

You can further accentuate your grain pattern. Take the small needle pin brush.


Take some dark colour and paint a V if you will. Look for patterns of real wood (furniture).


Now you have to be quick. Take the smaller flat brush and behave as you were dry brushing.


Next step. Do only short stripes at once.


After that "dry brushing" this is what you can get.


And so on. Play around with patterns you like best.


One more V in front of the others


When the paint is dry take the sponge again and draw some more paint very thinly over your pattern to blend in your colours.


This can be the outcome of your labour.


Best of all you can wipe off the acrylics with water and some soap and go for a new try.

New variation.


And another one. It all depends how much paint you rub off the primer colour.


Here I tried out a finer grain.


Play with patterns of your own choice look for the real wood.


Another example. There are no limits to your imagination.


When you are content with your efforts let dry your panel thoroughly before you start the next one. Seal the acrylics with gloss varnish before you put tape on it. To finish your "wood" sand very , very lightly to get an even surface and spray with semi gloss clear paint.
Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial.
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very good tutorial on how to make the effect of wood, this is noted in the list of my technical improvements thanks for sharing
Hi snokri,
allready had the privilege to see the outcome of your work in real. Thanks for showing the "how to do it". :BIG:
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Enough wood!
let's go back to the "Volksjäger".
Next were cables and wires. Thin copper and soldering wires were used. This is the main cable of the right side.


The left sidewall is complete. The small decals are leftovers from old Revell kits. The rear cockpit bulkhead is dry fitted.


And here comes the right sidewall. The kit parts aren't too bad here but a new radio was needed anyway.


The kit part of the instrument panel needed some refinement. The original part was constructed from two panels I used thin plastic sheet for them. The suspension for the rudder pedals was made from U-channel which taper a little at the front end. The pedals are kit items their supports are scratched again.


After painting:
Some old decals were used on the kits panel. I'm not to contend with the result maybe I will consult the aftermarket for a photo etched part but for now it will do.


The front wheel well:
I scratched the support for the joy stick and did some refinements. The joystick got metal axes and is moveable in narrow limits. The viewing window is covered with masking tape which will be removed later.


I intended to use the modified Revi sight of the kit but it jumped from my fingers and wasn't sighted again. I had to make a new one. Black spruce and plastic sheet were used. The lens was made from clear spruce polished to an apt form.


The colored sight with its wiring:

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