Wayne's Award Winning Models

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Thanks Guys!....moving around a little further.....


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Wayne your torpedo looks like it has a vertical fin on it for steerage. Is that a molding line artifact or were the torpedoes steerable?

Anyone know how torpedos maintained a horizontal and vertical axis for steering? Large gyros perhaps? Were they just dumb-straight runners? If not, what happened when a torp hit the water at a canted angle?

[I bet Wayne hates it when Dickcheese Engineer asked these geek questions in his Award Winning Model Thread. Sorry Wayne. I can't help it. I have The Knack.]
can't say for sure Matt..torpedoes must have some sort of stabilizing system as they would settle at a depth after entry, certainly torpedoes dropped too high or steep would certainly have a directional problem...?

The Pearl harbor Kates had large wooden fins that broke off on entry to assist in getting the shallow depth required to attack the Battleships.
In one or two photo's you can see the reported bubbling/froth of torpedo propellors where some torpedoes were released too high and dug in to the harbor bottom.



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Don't know much about torpedoes Matt, but I read (and saw pics) about Beaufighter torps having similar fins, for streamlining against drag when airborne, and for stability during the drop. They broke off on contact with the wet stuff. Far as I know, until modern, guided torps, the WW2 fish ran straight.
Hey Wayne just noticed the flaps ,Nice work!

How the heck do ya get them to sit so perfect?

Well.... you get one to sit at the angle you want...AND then make damn sure the other one matches...that means keeping an eye on it and re-checking it until it sets. Sometimes flaps have a habit of dropping slightly before the glue does set...


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