Wayne's Award Winning Models

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into the home stretch....


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Wayne, the plane is fantastic, but that's as usual. I read through the guides on PDF for making panel lines, and mottling, and found it extremely inspiring. I'm going to give it try, but It'll be a while before I show any of my attempts. :lol:
Wayne, the plane is fantastic, but that's as usual. I read through the guides on PDF for making panel lines, and mottling, and found it extremely inspiring. I'm going to give it try, but It'll be a while before I show any of my attempts. :lol:

C'mon get into it....and show us !:D

Ok, one more set after this....then on to the next subject...


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Hi Wayne,

Just a line to express my admiration for your work, specially on the Japanese aircraft which are one of my favorites (The bad side though is that now I added around 5 more aircrafts to my wish list...$$$) . Also I have adopted religiously your panel definition method with pastels and pencil which have worked greatly for me.

I only wish I could produce the antenna wires that you make from sprue as all my attempts to stretch the material over a candle end up with a shameful burnt piece of plastic...I guess I need to keep on practicing.

Wayne, do you have any pics of your collection posted on the Forum site? I would be very interested to see all the great models you have built. :)

Only the stuff in this thread and a couple of builds in others at this stage...so I guess i will need to take more pics then!:D

Hi Wayne,

Just a line to express my admiration for your work, specially on the Japanese aircraft which are one of my favorites (The bad side though is that now I added around 5 more aircrafts to my wish list...$$$) . Also I have adopted religiously your panel definition method with pastels and pencil which have worked greatly for me.
I only wish I could produce the antenna wires that you make from sprue as all my attempts to stretch the material over a candle end up with a shameful burnt piece of plastic...I guess I need to keep on practicing.


Thanks for your kind words mate....the antenna wires....I use the flame on the stove.... very carefully I might add, still manage to stuff up plenty before I get one to work just right!:D Keep trying you will get it right...

and here are the last shots of this subject....


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