What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Went to my United Health website this morning and tried to log on. This has never been a friendly site for me as half the time I can't log on without getting locked out after 3 attempts. Its just medical info so it shouldn't be like hacking the CIA. Anyway I could not logon using FF 3.0.15. looked up browsers supported and found FF 1.7, 1.5 AOL, Nutscrape, IE 6,7, with ser pacs etc... Asked their techie and he said that meant 1.7 1.5 AND LATER and I said well why didn't it say that. He was quiet and I asked him if they thought all seniors were inept noobs. Also a couple time during conversation I had to ask him to slow down and repeat an answer. I guess respect is not taught in his society whatever the hell that was. Damn I hate this outsourcing crap. Here we need the jobs and they go overseas. I would rather sit on hold for 20 minutes and speak with a good ol American computer tech than some other dood from a foreign country who has no idea who wrote his script.
Bad month for electronics at my house. First the TV went out, which was not that big of deal since I don't watch too mu TV anyway, now wathcing a little 12" TV when I do watch something.
Next, the motherboard on my PC blew up. Got a new one off E-bay but it has some problems as well, but at least I can get on line now at home.
Last night was trying to pring some documents for the P-47 model I am building for the Group Builds section of this site and my printer crapped out!!!! Blank pages, new ink cart, stll blank pages. Running out of electronics to break down but I didn't try to make toast this morning so figure the toaster is probably the next thing to go.
Scheduled for surgery today, went into hospital did the preliminaries i.e. don surgical gown, jazzy pants, get into bed and wait………….. waiting…………..waiting…………waiting………..cancelled to be re scheduled ASAP…….. Pi**ed Offffffffff big time.
I can't find a freakin' competant shop to smog my 320i...all they do is eff up the tuning, diddle around with it for an hour or so, tell me it failed the test and hand me a bill...just so I can take it back to my mechanic and have them re-tune the engine and start the whole process over again...

I'm about to take this effin' car and burn it to the ground...scatter the ashes to the wind and strike the damn-thing from living memory!!

Aside from that, dang Vic, hope everything is ok with you and that surgery goes ok.

And sorry to hear your not feeling well, BB...get better soon!
Sore feet and legs this morning!!! Have been in a walking competition sponsored by my Health Insurance company. Several local companies are involved. Have to wear a pedometer and report my weekly total step count Friday morning. At the end of 3 months the person with the highest step count wins $200.
So far this week I've put in nearly 100,000 steps with one day to go in the week. Last 3 days I've put in over 20,000 steps each day. My feet are killing me today though. Thinking I'll cut back a little today, but once I'm out on the trail walking I always seem to push myself too hard.
Good news is I've lost nearly 5 pounds this week. Did I mention my feet are killing me, but at least I don't need a cork to solve my health problems Get well BB


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Hi Bucksnort, and thanks for the laugh of the day!

A good advice on sore feet:

Make yourself a nice foot bath - hot water, a tablespoonful or two of ordinary salt (kills germs and bad smells) in the water, a good dry clean towel, a cup of coffee or whatever you like for the other end, and then it's R&R time.
And when you dry your feet, give 'em some bodylotion and work them over like a massage. It may not remove all of the soreness, but it sure helps.
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Thanks for the advice. I think my main issue is that I need a new pair of walking shoes. I am terrible about replacing shoes, I usually walk in them until I start seeing toes coming out the front or my sides of my feet popping out the sides of the shoe!

That, and the fact that it sounds like you're walking a whole lot more than you're used to.
The good thing is that you're starting to lose weight.
About the shoes: I'm just as bad, which is why I prefer good sturdy work shoes and/or military boots - they sure last a lot longer than your average lady shoes w. no room for ordinary feet in them.
Try the foot bath thing - it sure makes your feet feel like you're walking on human feet afterwards, instead of a pair of calf's eyes. (Y'know: big, black and sore... )
That, and the fact that it sounds like you're walking a whole lot more than you're used to.

Actually just starting the heavier workouts again since I think I've finally gotten over a nearly two year old battle with a bad Achilles Tendon. Been taking it pretty easy on my legs/feet for several months now and am getting back to harder traiing.
I had lost 100#'s up until the injury, put on 45#'s after the injury due to less exercise and sneaking some bad for diet foods.
I'm loosing that 45#'s before spring!!!
Thanks Lucky. Legs are feeling much better now that I've been up and about for a couple hours. Usually just need to get a good stretch and a few steps in before they loosen up.
That is some bad luck with the electronics Bucksnort I just had my dvd player go down on me. But at least they are cheap enough now where I can just toss it in the garbage and buy another one.

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