What Annoyed You Today?

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Forgot to take my medications this morning and am feeling terrible this afternoon. Hopefully getting out in the fresh air after work will help clear my head and get rid of this headache!
Thats some storeman! If he keeps that up his job may end up in the same place, perfectly ironic metaphor!

Still hasn't turned up!:evil: Going to have to organise another one...Personalised metal plate with customer logo for imprinting on Irrigation Valve boxes...need to make them up to go to Daniel's neck of the woods... New Zealand!
My coat was stolen yesterday ...

I am quite devestated by it as I was very fond of it and it had tremendous emotional value to me. It's 30 years old and used to belong to my dad.

Honestly ... if I find the guy who stole it... I am not responsible for my actions. How low can you be to take what is not yours ?? And he ruined an else perfect night. SOB!!


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