What Annoyed You Today?

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Saw a Muskellunge Fishing guide on the ice this weekend that was fishing with too many lines and was sitting too far away from one of his lines. In Minnesota you can fish with 2 lines in the winter, but you have to be within 200 feet of all lines. This guy had 4 lines in the water at times and was between 500-600 feet away from one of them. Should have called the Warden on him, but didn't. I made mental note of his guide service company name that he had plastered on the side of his truck. Will e-mail him and his partner later and confront them on this guys ethics.
Getting home after the first day at work after 1½ week, being dog tired but I am overall okay.
A split second after I shut the main door, my beer-loving, beer-stinking neighbour rings the doorbell to ask if I know anything about televisions, because he can't figure out how to make his brand new telly work.
Errrrhmmm...yes, but I am tired and I just want to be left alone so that I can cook my dinner and relax after an active, busy day - so SOD OFF!
I didn't SAY that, though, but DAMN - I ***wanted*** to!
So: "Oh I am so sorry, but no - I don't know those new tellies, I can barely use my own dvd player!" *big-hole-in-the-head-smile*
Y'know, some guys think that many women don't know jack s**t about tech stuff.
Yeah...right. :D
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Well the traffic light at Classen and Western annoys me every day, got to set thru a whole change of the lights before the left turn light go off And this is at three in the morning and I'm genneraly the only car there. I've ran the damn thing a few times because of that.
I had an extreme case of vertigo all day yesterday and a bad headache and fatigue today slept 4 1/2 hrs in the middle of the day have to make up some modeling tonight.I can only surmise it's PCS I have had it after every concussion since 1990 and I am on #8 concussion :(
I keep getting mails/phone calls/whatever from people who wants to know about how they get their old police badges back, or their relative's badge. READ THE GODDAMNED LETTER!!!
People who show up at the museum outside of the official opening hours to get their badges, annoy me too.
NO we DON'T give the badges back outside of the opening hours, because police officers WON'T shut up with info like that between themselves, and before we know it we can do nothing else but help people get their badges back, instead of working like we were supposed to.

We've got a special exhibition coming up in april that we gotta prepare, the museum has to open three times a week, we're doing research and helping relatives track down their family, which used to work in the police, we're doing guided tours at the museum and booking 'em, and in the mean time we're also planning how to restore the insides of the museum, and having problems with the cleaning company, plus we're open for researchers who need our help with the archives, and we're also doing what we can to scan, register and store thousands of images, items, books and what have you, in our collection - which by the way is being moved around these days, due to lack of space.
Put short: Welcome to the police.
We're undermanned, underpaid and overworked, and at the same time undergoing structural internal changes.
DAMN it gets confusing sometimes! :p *complain-complain-complain-complain.exe* Argh!
So my personal solution is to focus on doing my job as well as possible, let management sort their problems, and let my colleagues sort their stuff - otherwise I'll freak out.

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