What Annoyed You Today?

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Some 14 years ago, people found parts of an airplane in the water in the Biesbos, a nature preserve some 5km from here. It became clear that it concerned a Boulton Paul Defiant, which was shot down om May 13th 1940 in a futile British attempt to help the Dutch. Of course it was a great find. But today I learned that this historical wreck ended up on a old metal yard, not far from my home, and was made into cola tins or whatever they make out of old metal. Makes me sad.
A few weeks ago, I sent a copy of my book as well as several other things in a package to the BBC... To the only address I had of the BBC, their "Writer's Room".

Today, I just received the reply... A nice and short letter from the BBC with the complete package (my book, media kit as well as the letter I wrote (see below)... Everything !). In the BBC's letter, they say (in short) : "If it's not a script, don't bother sending it to us."

Hah ! I bet they didn't even read my letter !

BBC Writersroom
Grafton House
379-381 Euston Road

Dear sir/lady,

First of all, I want to say that I looked all over the BBC website to find the right address and I only found that one. So if I'm addressing to the wrong person, please forgive me and please forward this package to the right person.

My first book (an historical fiction) was published by PublishAmerica. Yes, that's right ! I'm a French-Canadian who, after being turned down by many French and Québec publishers, finally got published in the United-States.

You'll find attached to this letter, a media kit with more information on my book and on me. (You will also find my contact info in it.) I also included a copy of my book in this package for your convenience.

Thank you for your time,

(Signed with full name and address.)
Maestro, I know from mate's who've tried that it's bloody hard to get a book published (and for musicians and ratists to get recognised too for that matter). Many famous author's had a hell of a job selling manuscripts that turned into best sellers, sometimes only posthumously.
The only advice I could offer is keep trying, and NEVER sell yourself short - you're comment about not succeeding at home should never have been in the letter. Just PROMOTE yourself.

And Wayne, glad your Kate's looking alright again. Look forward to the pics.
Even though it's Easter (Good) Friday and a holiday, I still woke up at my alarm time, 6.20am even though the SOB wasn't set!

...rolled over and next thing it was 8.30...thats better..
That sucks it would be nice to find a Defiant I hope onev day they find a Battle or Defiant in Lake Erie
"Kerry Katona crazy in love"......!!??
What the h*ll is going on with people? Don't they f*cking have their own bl**dy life? What does these IQ freed numb nuts get out of watching mince like this? Where do these low crawling pieces of sh*t, get their ideas from, to all this dravel that f*cks up the air waves on tv...? If I want to see and hear some f*cker, half wit or w*nker go to the cr*pper to take a dump, I can bl**dy film myself...
These kn*b jockey's try to make money of everything and people are that f*cking stupid and incredibly slow they fall for it every single bl**dy time...
Question....who's more stupid and sad....those that makes the shows, take part in the shows or those that watches them??
Big Brother inventor, may you slowly rot in h*ll...!
Getting home after working 25 days strait and my little puppy i got for me looks up at me and barks and grows , then runs toward the girlfriend and jumps on her lapp,What the fu%k, i feed and pay his doc bills and the girlfriend has him brainwashed!!!!!!! this is all bull sh#t !!!!!!!
The only advice I could offer is keep trying, and NEVER sell yourself short - you're comment about not succeeding at home should never have been in the letter. Just PROMOTE yourself.

Yeah, at first I thought it was a good idea (because they would have ended up by finding it out anyway). But I think I'll listen to you and just erase it for my next letters.

A side note : A few weeks back, I e-mailed the editor of the "Atlantic Flyer" and offered him to send him a media kit along with a copy of my book... And requested him to tell me how much it would cost me to buy advertisement in their paper. He replied by saying : "Send it to me and I'll get it reviewed." YAY ! I sent the package two weeks ago.

I don't know if he must confirm when the review will appear in his paper or if he will just print it without notice, but I haven't received any message yet. He could also decide that my work doesn't match well with the content of his paper (mostly talking about airshows) and dump it. So keep an eye out, American friends, because may be I'll finally "break-through", become rich and famous and... Okay, may be I'm daydreaming...
Don't you just hate people 2-3 or more, that walk in the middle of the sidewalk/pavement and do it sloooowly, so you can't pass without walk out in the f*cking street, or hose on their own....as soon that you see a spot where you can finally pass them, they walk infront you AGAIN, like if they had some bl**dy rearview mirrors attached to their f*cking heads.....(unprintable foul language)

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