What Annoyed You Today?

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I stepped back without looking while standing on some Landscaping boulders and fell down about 3 feet into a bunch of smooth river rocks ended up with a 1.5 hour wait at emerg for 15 stitches on the shin as well as numerous bruises , not much blood but the bone sure was white
Sorry to hear that Pbfoot, you ok?

Im really pissed off with the Docs treating my old man. Been 3 weeks since he had his motorcycle accident and its only now they discover his shoulder blade is broken and needs an operation to screw it back together!

This sets his works plan back again............
Sympathies to both of you guys, Pb and Heinz.

Work is turning interesting. last week my supervisor was promoted which left his spot open - a spot I've been paid out-of-title for about 8 years when he's not around. So what happens? They haul me in for a review of my work habits - others been complaining. What about? I didn't turn a phone around so others could use it and someone got injured on my command after I had told them not to do what they did. Methinks someone has it out for me.
Woke up screaming and most of the day went downhill from there.
I found out I had a almost 5mm stone working it's way down. I'm not a stranger to stones but nothing has ever come close to this one. The yelling and thumping and crashing caused the people across the hall to call to FD and I got a ambo ride into the hospital and ralphed my guts out all the way there. The Paramedics were good about it (See Cheered tread) and I got there and shot up with pain killers and then the day went okay. Got lots of happy pills to take for now.
Art in DC
My bike it has gone to god. Gears and brakes are cactus as I discovered ( once almost into a fence and the crank cept slipping )

On the brightside got some cash to get a new one
Old motorcyle riding injury is acting up. Trouble hobbling around the office the last couple days. Usually takes several weeks to work out the injury as well!!!
After almost a month of trying to get my PC up and running again and get my F*cking Windows code back for my XP Home and to get the f*cking think registered I am back at last. I hate Microsft with all their bullsh*t software that just give you a lot of sh*t.
Can you explain that a bit, mate? I'm not up to date on things in SA.

Well mate they sell power to Botswana, Zim, Namibia and Mozambique, but they cut our power here in SA to be able to keep up with demand to their clients in the other countries, but they must first look at the people in SA before they give power to other countries. Everything is going down now because of this sh*t.
Walked into my office to find some long haired , spotty oik from IT pulling my PC part . When I asked how long this nonsense would take all I got was a sneer and a load of tech speak . Anyone got an uzi I can borrow
A4K it is just these idiots that run this country. Welcome South Africa, black but powerless.

The farm my dad works on in the US is busy ripping them off and lied to them about how much they would work and how much money they will get, but I told him it will be a bullsh*t story, but he did not listen to me and went any way. Now maybe he will learn.
Just got in to the office and found a note stuck to my PC , guess what , the little gits coming back again sometime this AM ! But this time I'll be ready for him !!!!!!!!

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