What Annoyed You Today? (3 Viewers)

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One of my friends suggested that maybe I was taking the Covid precautions too far ..................
My setup has ya' beat, Terry! :lol:

During this time of lockup two things allow me to keep my sanity.
This hobby, my occasional sign painting, and now I am turning an old wood case into a sign kit.

But WTF, why can I not log in to Hannants????????
I forgot my password, I asked for a temp password, then tells me my email is Already being used!!!!!!!
Don't it know I Already know THAT!!!!!!!

That is what happens if you do not press the reset button, but tbe new member thingie.
The fact that the CDC has to warn us not to drink hand sanitizer as it can cause health issues. Really, whooda thunk that. Did you also know you're not supposed to eat those little Silica packets that come with things you buy?
The continuing saga of the clutch actuator system on my 1997 Celica. After finding out that the replacement slave cylinder I had ready to install was not likley to wokr and that the replacement LUK master cylinder I ordered from Rocky Auto was not producing pressure, I went to the Pep Boys website and ordered new ones for both parts. They did not come in on Wednesday as forecast but I was pleased that they did come int today.

I decided to try the new slave cylinder first to see if the LUK master cylinder would work at all with it. With darkness an unforecast storm approaching I proceeded to remove the old slave cylinder....

And found that Pep Boys shipped me the wrong slave cylinder; there is no way it will fit. So I went to the Rock Auto website and ordered what I think is an OEM slave cylinder. The wrong one is going back to Pep Boys tomorrow.

This is why I need three vehicles.
When reality slaps you in the face and crushes the life out of you making you realize you've accomplished absolutely f@#%$&g nothing and apparently contributed little if anything to the world. So screw it, why bother trying
Welcome to my world.
I was evicted from my apartment of 24 years last July (2019) because the management wanted to take advantage of the thousands of displaced people from the fires of 2018.
I ended up buying a house and shop on 3.5 acres of land for about what rent would cost...but it turned out that the house was a total sh!thole and needed extensive repairs.
So here I am, a year later, STILL trying to get the house livable, all my possesions are STILL in storage and I am living in an 8'x10' room with my three cats (who haven't seen the sun in a year) in my garage.
I was laid off from this pandemic bullsh!t and I am bleeding money left and right with no end in sight.

So trust me, things can be worse...
Welcome to my world.
I was evicted from my apartment of 24 years last July (2019) because the management wanted to take advantage of the thousands of displaced people from the fires of 2018.
I ended up buying a house and shop on 3.5 acres of land for about what rent would cost...but it turned out that the house was a total sh!thole and needed extensive repairs.
So here I am, a year later, STILL trying to get the house livable, all my possesions are STILL in storage and I am living in an 8'x10' room with my three cats (who haven't seen the sun in a year) in my garage.
I was laid off from this pandemic bullsh!t and I am bleeding money left and right with no end in sight.

So trust me, things can be worse...
First let me apologize for being so negative, this past week had me questioning my own self worth and unfortunately it started boiling over into my posts here, please forgive me for that. It was not my intent to look for compliments etc.

More importantly, I am very distressed to hear that your situation hasn't improved. I remember last year when this started happening to you and I had hoped things had sorted themselves out for the better. I'm not real good at staying in touch, once I get home I rarely turn on my computer and I am rarely on Facebook or any other social media. That said, and I know it may sound rather by the numbers, but if there is anything I can do, even just to chat, let me know, you're a good person and it sucks that in this world bad things happen to good people like you. From what I gather however, you're no quitter, you will come out of this, I have every confidence that you will.

Welcome to my world.
I was evicted from my apartment of 24 years last July (2019) because the management wanted to take advantage of the thousands of displaced people from the fires of 2018.
I ended up buying a house and shop on 3.5 acres of land for about what rent would cost...but it turned out that the house was a total sh!thole and needed extensive repairs.
So here I am, a year later, STILL trying to get the house livable, all my possesions are STILL in storage and I am living in an 8'x10' room with my three cats (who haven't seen the sun in a year) in my garage.
I was laid off from this pandemic bullsh!t and I am bleeding money left and right with no end in sight.

So trust me, things can be worse...

Sorry to hear this my friend. I really hope things start looking up for you. You deserve it.
First let me apologize for being so negative, this past week had me questioning my own self worth and unfortunately it started boiling over into my posts here, please forgive me for that. It was not my intent to look for compliments etc.

More importantly, I am very distressed to hear that your situation hasn't improved. I remember last year when this started happening to you and I had hoped things had sorted themselves out for the better. I'm not real good at staying in touch, once I get home I rarely turn on my computer and I am rarely on Facebook or any other social media. That said, and I know it may sound rather by the numbers, but if there is anything I can do, even just to chat, let me know, you're a good person and it sucks that in this world bad things happen to good people like you. From what I gather however, you're no quitter, you will come out of this, I have every confidence that you will.

First of all, absolutely no need to apologize.
Everyone's situation is different and the circumstances behind them are as varied as the grains of sand on a beach.
So if you need to vent, by all means, do so - we're all family here.

In my case, I am indeed frustrated. Beyond frustrated. Nothing is going right and hasn't since I was killed in that car wreck back in April '13. Not long ago, I even went as far as to state that I wished that old gal had done a better job, because it would have been a clean end and I wouldn't have to be dealing with all this soul-sucking misery.

Long story short , I'm not having a good life (and once in a while, I slip and get ugly in my posts to which I am grateful to the Mods for not banning me).

But it is what it is and here we are...so let's lean on each other and make it to the end, eh? :thumbleft:

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