What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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I have been feeling a bit tired recently went to doctors and got sent for CT scan and ultrasound scan on my innards. The tests showed I had Granulomas (nodules) in and around my lungs. SHIT!!! was my first response but the specialist reckons it's probably not the big C but a condition called Sarcoidosis.

Got to go for Bronchoscopy to be sure but if it's what he thinks it's treatable with steroids.

On the downside I have a problem
On the upside it's not the problem I first thought of
I have been feeling a bit tired recently went to doctors and got sent for CT scan and ultrasound scan on my innards. The tests showed I had Granulomas (nodules) in and around my lungs. SHIT!!! was my first response but the specialist reckons it's probably not the big C but a condition called Sarcoidosis.

Got to go for Bronchoscopy to be sure but if it's what he thinks it's treatable with steroids.

On the downside I have a problem
On the upside it's not the problem I first thought of
Same exact thing happened to me about 15 years ago. Had a CT scan for kidney stones and they saw it and thought it was limphoma but turned out to be Sarcoidosis. Never have taken anything for it and am still alive and kicking.
Heck, a car in the house and a possible lung problem make my annoyance seem minor in comparison.
I set off for Norfolk yesterday, already a week later than planned, as I'd been too stiff and sore to drive earlier in the week. Got roughly half way through the 200 mile drive, making great time on a nice, sunny day - the broke down on the M1 motorway !
First thing I heard was a slight rattle, then lost the power stearing. Engine temp hit the red, and the engine started to run a bit "lumpy".
I managed to pull over quickly and shut down, then called the recovery service. Whilst waiting, and when the engine had cooled down a bit, I re-started, and it ran smooth enough, but a test drive for a few yards showed lack of power under drive, so shut down again and waited for recovery.
The main drive belt for stearing pump, water pump and alternator had snapped, but fortunately, the engine was stopped before it seized.
I eventually got myself and the vehicle recovered to home, seven hours after setting out.
My mechanics checked the vehicle this morning, and it may be that either a pipe has given way, or the snapped belt damaged the oil filter, as there';s oil along the engine, and almost none in the engine, so they'll have to trailer the car to their garage, investigate and fix as needed.
Bl**dy annoying, but at least I'm fine, and the car is back home.
Hmmm. When I heard that sound it was because the tip of the crankshaft had cracked, leaving the harmonic balancer "balanced" on the frame and tie rod. The belt was just fine.
I'm thinking maybe the water pump seized / broke, causing the belt to snap. The oil on one side of the engine is the puzzle, until investigated, although the engine turns over, starts and runs smoothly enough, but obviously that was just a quick check, then shut down to prevent any further damage.
My mechanics are about to arrive anytime now to take the vehicle away for inspection and repair / remedy as required, and I'll be interested to know the cause ( and effects ) of the problem.
While not today, a couple of days ago there was a report about a 90 year old pilot flying in a jet again. He is a veteran of Korea and Vietnam. What irritated me was first how they descrubed the jet. It was a T-33 and they had that part right. Then they called it a fighter jet and while he did perform a few low passes down the runway,they said he performed a few "tricks". Young idiot reporters need to educate themselves before reporting anything. I was so riled that I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle them like pigeons.
This is a pet peeve of mine. Someone posted a list of pictures of a few different military vehicles in the quotes and jokes thread. They had the real description and what the press calls it. In every case the press labels the vehicles as tanks. I had read in a NY Daily News article that the planes flown by Sky Typers as an "S&J". We've probably all seen a clip of reporters following a script and reporting faulty flux capacitors.
I "occasionally" get stuff wrong, however, I'm not paid to report and educate.
so get to work at 06.30, walk in kitchen to find a large puddle of water covering half the kitchen.
night porter comes in and says "had a look its coming out of the dishwasher, been dripping all night "
i ask if he's tried to mop it up ?
"no" he says
i then ask if he knew where its coming from, why not put a bucket or deep tray underneath the dishwasher to stop it getting worse ?
so i ask are the footprints on the dry half of the kitchen from him where he's been walking through the water all night ?
"yeah probably !"
me fights urge to punch night porter in the throat and close kitchen and go back home to bed.
Now there are complaints about "Plumbing Poverty". No working toilets or faucets. Hell, for the first six years of my life we had to get water from a hand pump on the front porch and the toilet was a chamber pot and an out house. Hot water was something that you got from a pot on the stove. Indoor plumbing was a whole new world when we left the country side. Poop in a bucket with a trash bag inside and sponge bath. I've done that before when the toilet broke and the shower didn't work. Spoiled pansies.
Now there are complaints about "Plumbing Poverty". No working toilets or faucets. Hell, for the first six years of my life we had to get water from a hand pump on the front porch and the toilet was a chamber pot and an out house. Hot water was something that you got from a pot on the stove. Indoor plumbing was a whole new world when we left the country side. Poop in a bucket with a trash bag inside and sponge bath. I've done that before when the toilet broke and the shower didn't work. Spoiled pansies.
I like the cut of your jib, mister!

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