What Annoyed You Today?

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Major upset stomach and massive cramps all night this past Sunday, missed work on monday. Started to feel better tues and weds. and then it struck again Weds. night. Feel a little under the weather still today.
There has been something going around here. Eyes hurt - actually hurt - feel rather groggy, and very loose bowel movements. I had it two weeks back and a friend had it last week.
There has been something going around here. Eyes hurt - actually hurt - feel rather groggy, and very loose bowel movements. I had it two weeks back and a friend had it last week.

I woke up with the usual flu symptoms, aches, pains, cough, and a migraine that is excruciatingly painful. Covid test is negative. By lunch time, I could not keep anything down. It feels like I'm pissing out both ends. I know, TMI…
Lazy bastards at work that spill a half a cup of coffee all over the floor and can't be bothered to clean it up so the rest of us don't slip on it!!!! Felt like sending a company-side e-mail chastising whomever it was, but then I look like the looney. God I'm sick of lazy people that leave it to the next guy to deal with it!!!!
Calgon, I mean Jack Daniels, take me away (for those of us old enough to remember those commercials).

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