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Question amigo, how can it be Bidenflation when it's happening worldwide?
Yeah. The minders are going to come down hard. Economics is politics is religion.
As in mind your "p"s and "q"s.Minders?
As in mind your "p"s and "q"s.
So, moderator = minder.
You guys do a pretty good job keeping the brush fires from erupting into flame wars. I tip my hat to you.
I think definitions 1 and 2 fit best.minder
1. someone who looks after someone or something
2. (Social Welfare) short for childminder
3. slang an aide to someone in public life, esp a politician or political candidate, who keeps control of press and public relations
4. slang someone acting as a bodyguard, guard, or assistant, esp in the criminal underworld
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Dealt it.He who breaks wind...
I think definitions 1 and 2 fit best.
How ever, If you want to buy a loaf of bread, I will take your first born as payment.Yeah. The minders are going to come down hard. Economics is politics is religion.
He who dealt ti smelt it.Dealt it.
Be careful. He's a Marine infantry officer.How ever, If you want to buy a loaf of bread, I will take your first born as payment.
Just some of us.
Be careful. He's a Marine infantry officer.