What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Where i live i had trainer once. Son of a well know family of sportsman. Butch guys and i may say girls. Found a guy in the shop. Threatened the girl with a knife that he found in the butcher shop and a screwdriver. Boys (3) came down to see what was wrong. He stabbed one of them. But soon they had him. Held him down. Called the police. To make a story short they were all convicted and had to pay money for damages. He was out of the police station before them. The next time a different burglar was in the shop, they kicked the crap out off said burgler, handcuffed him with a bike lock a street away then called the cops. No one tried it again. Advice of a street cop.
Spending 4 hours at the auto shop after being told that it would be a hour. After that the problem wasn't fixed, rescheduled appointment and just got the confirmation back and the description of the problem is completely opposite of what I told them so they probably didn't diagnose the correct problem in the first place. Now have to bring it back once more. This time I'll put a sheet of paper on the dash explaining the issue in words even the slowest amongst us can understand (I hope),
They must be a Dealer.
They must be a Dealer.
Yep.. Told them a half dozen times that the high beam lights come on intermittantly when you press the lever forward, but always work when the left is pulled backwards. Of coarse they wrote it down that pulling backwards does not work. Repair coordinator guy said he checked it himself before he came and got me.
Just proves once again that if you don't do it yourself someone else will just "F" it up.
Got skunked on an A4 oxygen bottle and regulator for my Fairchild project. First one I've seen on fleabay since I started looking for one, back in 2016. Normally find them other places, where they were sold weeks or months prior at various small auction or antique sites.
Inadequate manuals and technical data annoyed me - again. I finally got the Ercoupe cranked up for test run yesterday and things went pretty well. There was a bad drop on the Right magneto, which I traced to spark plug wire that was not tight. The other problem was the "Alternator Failure" light was blinking, although it was charging. Good news was that nothing was leaking.

Today I did another test run and confirmed that the ignition problem was fixed but the Alternator light was still blinking. Okay, so I got out the manufacturer troubleshooting chart and started down it. Step One was to make sure the alternator was grounded at terminal F2. Okay, so I had put a heavy ground lead from the airframe firewall to under one of the alternator mounting nuts but removed it when the A&P pointed out it was keeping the nut from getting proper thread engagement. No problem, I'd just add another strap from terminal F2 to airframe ground. Only.... the installation drawing for the alternator does not show where F2 is located on the alternator. And there is no obvious grounding lug on the alternator. And there is no connection I can find marked "F2" on the alternator.

So I will have to e-mail Hartzel and ask them where I ground the alternator given that they have not provided any terminal to do so nor explained where "F2" is located.

My first job out of college I often had to rewrite badly written manuals, and my standards for decent manuals are very high. But w are not talking about anything complex in this case.
And I thought it was bad in California.
Campaign ads. One politician calling his opponent a politician. That's a turd calling another turd a turd. I will be glad when election season is "over". Politics are banned here for good reason and all political ads should be banned from television.
Campaign ads. One politician calling his opponent a politician. That's a turd calling another turd a turd. I will be glad when election season is "over". Politics are banned here for good reason and all political ads should be banned from television.

Yet you still talk politics here? Like a true politician do you need to try and have the last word in?

The No Politics rule by the way has been eased when being discussed in certain topics and in certain settings, and as long as it pertains to the topic/thread at hand, and as long as it is not insulting or derogative.

For now that is. We'll see how much longer.

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