What Annoyed You Today?

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Got to work tonight and forgot my sweatshirt at home. No problem as there is a windbreaker in my gear bag. Got the "windbreaker" out at lunch and opened it......part of it popped open under heavy spring tension. Turns out it's an outdoor play house and tunnel for the cats. Winds blowing about 5-10 knots thru the hangar, temps about 61 degrees and my fingers are turning blue. Will probably run max heat in the truck all the way home when I get off.

We've got a bunch of ops checks going on and I need to be on the hangar floor, or I'd go hide in the can, which is about the warmest room around right now.
Just got this book in

And it is missing pages 119, 120, 121, 122
Spending the night between Friday and Saturday, driving the big white bus five times.... something that I ate didn't really agree with me I guess....feel totally drained! Only eaten 🍊 since and that's it....😆😂

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