What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Have to go see the Vampire at the Doctors office today to have some blood drawn for some tests to make sure my Kidneys are not being affected by a new Medication I've been on.
I'm tired of seeing Doctors this year!!!
I can sympathise with you Buck! I have to have blood tests once a month, for the same reason, and have seen various 'specialists' countless times this year. Still hasn't made things better!
I can sympathise with you Buck! I have to have blood tests once a month, for the same reason, and have seen various 'specialists' countless times this year. Still hasn't made things better!

I hope you guys get it all figured out, and I'm in the same situation with a lot of things. I also have to go weekly for blood tests.

Also, the same guy has left himself logged in on my computer 3 times and my classmate's once. If you don't want somebody to delete things, log out! We always change their desktop to something horrible, and today I decided to put just over 7100 folders on his desktop.
What pissed me off? I'm still pissed off!

I had plans to go see my favourite band at the pub with a mate tonight. they start in 40 mins.. And he's just rang me and said he can't come because he doesn't have the cashish.

AS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT 6 HOURS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111eleventyone

I've had that too, save them onto your computer, then whack it back into your camera and 'delete all'

Unfortunately that doesn't work ,I've put them on the computer twice now and then used "erase all" but then the camera still says I can only fit 98 more photos on it

I can still use it but it means I have to wait while 600 photos transfer onto the pc just for 98 new photos

bloody annoying

Does the camera have a "format card" function? It is the best idea to always use that function when you start a fresh batch of photos because it will identify any bad spots in the memory and mark them so it doesn't write data to it. Every time I use mine, then dump them to the computer, I slap them in the camera and format the card for next time.

It will save you a LOT of grief later.

unfortunately it doesn't ,its just got erase or erase all .Will see if I can format it on a different camera or on my pc

Thanks for the help Mate!

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