What Annoyed You Today? (3 Viewers)

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If I see another headline about why won't those evil Boomers die off so we can have their stuff, I'm going to puke!

and how much greener the kids of today are compared to us oldies.

I challenged a bunch of those idiots to a debate on the subject a few years back

We had to get to school by walking or riding a pushbike, no pollution except smelly armpits. They pollute the air by using a car powered by petroleum or coal and in year 12 most have their own car with only one person in that car. Most have air-conditioning in their cars and use it creating even more petroleum and coal pollution. They go to anti CO2 rallies in their cars instead of using public transport.

When school children went shopping we used bicycles because no-one except the obscenely rich had two vehicles in the one family. Many families had no cars at all.

Our class rooms were at whatever temperature mother nature set in summer and if the temp went over 100F/40C we were sent home. That was too not for teachers but not too hot for us to walk and bike home. The are schooled in coal powered air-conditioned comfort.

After school and weekends we played outside. They sit inside in heated or airconditioned comfort using coal powered devices.

We swam in unheated swimming pools but their school pools are heated with coal powered electricity.

I won all the points and absolutely no friends for that debate.
and how much greener the kids of today are compared to us oldies.

I challenged a bunch of those idiots to a debate on the subject a few years back

We had to get to school by walking or riding a pushbike, no pollution except smelly armpits. They pollute the air by using a car powered by petroleum or coal and in year 12 most have their own car with only one person in that car. Most have air-conditioning in their cars and use it creating even more petroleum and coal pollution. They go to anti CO2 rallies in their cars instead of using public transport.

When school children went shopping we used bicycles because no-one except the obscenely rich had two vehicles in the one family. Many families had no cars at all.

Our class rooms were at whatever temperature mother nature set in summer and if the temp went over 100F/40C we were sent home. That was too not for teachers but not too hot for us to walk and bike home. The are schooled in coal powered air-conditioned comfort.

After school and weekends we played outside. They sit inside in heated or airconditioned comfort using coal powered devices.

We swam in unheated swimming pools but their school pools are heated with coal powered electricity.

I won all the points and absolutely no friends for that debate.
In light off above i add:


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Flying over to Sri Lanka once I asked for a tomato juice, it was breakfast time and the drink was served in a narrow top Champaign flute with a slice of lime. Cocking my head back to take a sip nothing happened so I tilted back further with the glass almost upside down, it was then that the tomato juice came out in a flood all over my shirt and trousers, I was covered in it. It would seem the slice of lime was just the right diameter to block the fluid until it shifted and the whole content of the flute poured out. :lol: :lol:

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