What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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better than to your house or this one in PNG last week that some claim killed up to 2,000 people. To give some scale the vehicles at the bottom of the arrow are most likely to be Toyota Landcruisers.


better than to your house or this one in PNG last week that some claim killed up to 2,000 people. To give some scale the vehicles at the bottom of the arrow are most likely to be Toyota Landcruisers.

View attachment 781765

True. But a similar slide nearby killed two schoolchildren a few years back while on a school outing at a local park.
Why is buying a house so freaking difficult? At least if you are middle class.

The lender sent me a list of conditions that I need to provide - driver's license, SS card, etc. Two of the items obviously come from the Park and the homeowner. Yet I keep getting asked for them. Yesterday, I told the Lender I'm not forging anyone's name to any documents (one of the items requires the signature of Park management). He says he has been sending notices to the realtor and the Park but hasn't received anything. Meanwhile the Park calls me and asks where our applications are? I respond we filled them out 2 weeks ago AND sent in the $80 fee. Who has my money??? I call the realtor who gets nasty with me saying she is busy and will get to it. I tell the lender. I tell him why am I involved in the middle of this???

The Lender calls later. They found my money. He has the items he needed but...... because they took so long, the appraisal that has to be done may take us past the settlement date. *^&*$&#$&#%^ azzholes!!!! I'm getting so fecking stressed out here. Trying to sell the motorhome. Buying a vehicle that will take us down to Florida. Finding a mover that won't swindle me. And the Pre-wife's eye surgery she had last week is failing and she has to have a 2nd surgery on Monday!!! And then this shite!

And don't ask me about the added "fees" the feckers charge. Thank gawd I fart in the general direction of the prevailing winds, otherwise I could be charged for that!

The lender sent me a list of conditions that I need to provide - driver's license, SS card,
Have you ever bought a car and had them ask to see your driver's license? Me? Never! But buy a house and they want to see it.
A few years ago I went to pay my property taxes and they asked to see my driver's license. Okay, I think they know my address, since it is on the property tax bill. If my check bounces I think they know where to find me. I had left my wallet in the car since there was nothing in it pertaining to my property taxes and just bought the bill and my checkbook. I told them that and they said they were sorry but the new tax collector wanted to see driver's licenses.

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