What Annoyed You Today? (4 Viewers)

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And you only smoke one cigar a day too.

Tweaked my shoulder at an Archery shoot on Saturday, not too bad but i could feel it was a little off. Come Monday night I lifted my arm out and above my heat and felt a massive tweak followed by pain and several Yosemite Sam style cuss words from my mouth. Sore this morning. Have have impingement problem with same should since a car accident in 1998, but it's been under control for the last few years till now.
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Tweaked my shoulder at an Archery shoot on Saturday, not too bad but i could feel it was a little off. Come Monday night I lifted my arm out and above my heat and felt a massive tweak followed by pain and several Yosemite Sam style cuss words from my mouth. Sore this morning. Have have impingement problem with same should since a car accident in 1998, but it's been under control for the last few years till now.
I have had both rotator cuffs done a few years back.
Buggered them both up falling in the garden two years ago.
Shoulders, I neeeeed them!!!!!
Well I for one am glad you're still here bud, you doing OK?

Yeah. Whats up doc?
Trying to accept the fact that I walked away from the right girl for me 55 years ago. She was loving, kind, gentle, and she loved me for me. There was and never will be another like her. The emptiness has caught up to me.
My wife had a shoulder replacement in 2016 and that severely limits arm travel and load capacity.

Earlier this year she got an infection in between the prosthesis and bone and in March they ripped out the prosthesis, put in a temporary one that is loaded with antibiotics and stitched her up but kept her in hospital for a month on antibiotic drip. Antibiotic tabs until two weeks ago. Yesterday she commented that she is almost recovered from the op but on Monday week they do it all again and fit the new permanent prosthesis. No driving before mid October. Modern surgery and prosthetics are wonderful but the side issues can be almost as bad as the original problem.
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SWMBO had her first one in 2001 and it is still perfect.

I think that the secret is the surgeon. Her parents had unreal problems with their hip surgery so she refused multiple times until our GP threw a wobbly and told her he would not send her to a butcher. He would send her to the guy that fixed all the butchers f**k ups.

Both her hips are perfect.
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Trying to accept the fact that I walked away from the right girl for me 55 years ago. She was loving, kind, gentle, and she loved me for me. There was and never will be another like her. The emptiness has caught up to me.
Ah yes. Looking back. How one can feel that life would have been different with a person known or even loved a long time ago.
Funny that we think the other would have been the exact same, while we changed over the years. Frozen in memory. As if she would not have been chanching with experience.

I remember my first very true love vividly. Still have a big place in my heart for her.
Ever such a long time ago.

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