What Annoyed You Today?

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Weather is going into the deep freeze again today. Is currently +18F, supposed to drop to -15F over night tonight.
I felt the weather change coming by the way my legs and knee started aching yesterday afternoon. Funny how that works. Only 43 years old and I can already predict the weather by the aches and pains come on.
Lucky you mate! remember my first time skiing...

I swear I was going a million miles an hour couldn't slow down so I on purpose fell over...(yes I know clever) seemed to do the trick even if one of my ski's was nowhere in sight
another friggin' day of headaches. These things are killing me! I can't get nothing done and my whole head feels like one, big bruise. Thank God, the Group Build is until May.
Sorry to hear about the shoulder Marcel. Do you do any exercises to help strenthen it? I've busted up both shoulders in different accidents and still have problems, Found that doing to weight training really helps. I've been avoiding the weights lately and really notice the difference.
You gotta be kidding me, coming down with another illness!!! Neck hurts, legs,shoulders, and lower back ache and are stiff. Head is foggy, and stomach is upset. Having a hard time keeping awake as well. Gonna have to poke myself with a shark stick to see if I'm alive, maybe it's rigormortis setting in?
Thanks, I'm thinking of heading home from work early and taking a long nap. Getting the chills and shakes now. I'd think it was Malaria if it weren't -5F outside right now...

Yep, doing weights allright. But it hurts like hell, especially after the exercise. Didn't sleep very well last night because of the pain. During the day it became better though and at the moment I hardly feel it. I hope it stays that way.

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