What Annoyed You Today?

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had some of the area's senior policemen in conferance at work today, one ordered a ham sandwich and sent it back because he thought we'd have known he meant beef.

he then sent his beef sandwich back because it was cold, (it was supposed to be you dickhead)

then decided it was to rare for him so he had a burger instead

no wonder crime rates are on the up with dumb f**ks like this in charge of our police force
I hate Mondays!!! Weekend flies by too fast. Legs are aching today due to excessive hiking. Those Ice covered trails I hit this weekend are making me pay the piper today!!! Looks like treadmill action the next couple days. I dispise working out on Treadmills, but need to drop some pounds before this coming fall.

Rochie, I would send him a salad next time with a note that you were thinking of his health.
There are lot's of things that annoy me but most of 'em are because I'm a bit of a curmudgeon. So, there's daily routine annoyances to sort out and list.

Actually, I'm a pretty easy-going person and don't gather annoyances like I used to. They get to be, well, annoying.
Coming down with a cold and the back of my right shoulder has been numb since last night.
I hate being sick, and the last time the shoulder was like this the Doc went after it with a knife and grinder.

Better stock up now I'm sure the same thing will be happening here in the States within the next year or so.

i'm sure if Mr brown was more opular with us voters Gnomey he'd be all for it.

i've never seen such a one trick pony, his answer for everything is tax it !

We had a tax on alcohol here in Aus, but as of this morning, we don't anymore!!!!
what annoyed me, today?

I'm trying to find some aviation apparel. all I want is a Cessna logo T-shirt, Cessna logo embroidery patch, or a Cessna logo cap for a nice price. found them, but one thing that pisses me off, majorly is the goddamn shipping costs!!! they practically want your fckin firstborn!!

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