What Annoyed You Today?

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Not any one specific thing. Just pin pricks, which really is annoying in general.
Our power was out for the last 7 hours in a planned outage. No big deal. Just before the power dropped I was reading this story and it is STILL making me angry.

The utter incompetence of the government departments that handle veterans affairs AND the military pays and allowances, and the ministers of Defence and Veterans Affairs, is unbelievable. We have had a multi year parliamentary inquiry in to the non politicians incompetence and now even more shit comes to the surface.

The treatment of the deceased and their kin coming out now in this enquiry is way past disrespectful and heads should roll. And the first head to roll should be the !@#$%^& who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. An officer who awarded himself combat medals for Afghanistan, even though he was never in a combat zone, and, when it was revealed that some Aust military personnel in Afghanistan had committed war crimes, stripped the medals from EVERY Afghanistan participant except, naturally, himself.

No doubt he and ALL the !@#$%^& will get promotions instead.

The house saga continues. We are on a timeline. Only good until Friday. Insurance inspection was done Monday....and failed. Leak in the roof in the utility room of the detached shed. I'm pissed. I tell everyone involved I'm not paying for the roof to be fixed. Seller wants to play games by placing a deadline, well he can pay to fix the roof. Meanwhile closing paperwork is signed and notarized and sent off. They received it yesterday. But...... there is a problem. My name doesn't match my driver's license. When I was a wee lad and went to get my DL, the State of New Jersey failed to have enough spaces so I could print my name. So for 50 years I am Christopher to the world except my DL says Christoph. I blow up on the guy. I explain all that and tell him I will send My Social Security card with my proper name. It's a Federal ID. He will check back. When he does, I am all good but...... they misspelled the Pre-Wife's name. HER name doesn't match!!!!!! Print out the papers again, go to notary, sign and Fed Ex them away. I think it might be about time to contact my lawyer.
I was,on the way home and this dumb nalgas pinche ran the stop sign and almost smashed into me. Quick reflexes on both our parts prevented me being killed by this mongoloid. He then had the nerve to follow home and tell me he has me on camera. I had to repeat to this simpleton he ran the stop signs multiple times. I was way too calm. Maybe I should have reached for his throat, but didn't. I think working with children in the 4k-8th grades have given me a patience I didn't think I possessed. I really thought he was going to smash into me. I did allow myself to have a nice drink. I would have had more if I didn't have to get the bits on the F1M2.
Isnt there ONE place I can order the supplies I need????? WTF is it nowdays? Dribbs and drabbs is all they have!!! Tamiya tape for GODS sake. Tamiya paint FGS! I am so over it......... FM!
You gotta remember it is the end of the financial year today and retail has been having end of year sales and trying to run stocks down so they don't have so much stock to count. But I feel for you and am often in the same predicament. From the three or four out of town suppliers I use it is a rare case that I can get all I want from the one source. It's a pain in the your know what. :(:(
The person who had the deepest accent was my boss, Dr. Black, who was from Arkansas. He was one of the nicest and kindest gentleman I have ever met. When my dad passed, he helped cover a large portion of the funeral costs. I met some of the nicest people ever while living in Texas.

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