What Annoyed You Today?

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Gyros are an eternal thing. Greek and an Anatolian dish.
If your a fan of Mexican Al Pastor, you're also enjoying a Gyro, though it evolved from Lebanese Shawarma.

Meanwhile, on a popular social media site, there was a post about the B-36 and the majority of comments implied that there was no such thing and the photo (a B-36F of Strategic Air Command in flight) was an AI generated image.

The human race is doomed...
Freaking ac is acting up again. New control board should have solved the problem, but no, it's reared it's ugly head and keeps going into low pressure cutoff, despite being within design limits....
My back is has been bothering me pretty bad. I tried to walk into the store following my daughter and it was a real struggle to walk. It's put a crimp on the decal progress on some of my 1/72 kits from four years back. Very annoying.
My back is has been bothering me pretty bad. I tried to walk into the store following my daughter and it was a real struggle to walk. It's put a crimp on the decal progress on some of my 1/72 kits from four years back. Very annoying.
I can relate to that, spent close to 40 years with the problems of back pain, at times so crippling I could not work. At work ended up with two desks, one for sitting or kneeling and the other for standing just to work. Plucked up courage for an opp in 2004 after I had retired and apart from the occasional back pain through my own foolishness, have been good ever since. Take care Jesse and get well soon. :lol: :lol:
Got sent a link to this crap today. If that is the best picture they can produce of a Lockheed 10 Electra then I am not going to waste my time watching the story.

Did I miss a true story on Earhart or is this just more of the utter bullshit that appears daily on antisocial media?

The runway at our airport is closed today. And tomorrow. And Monday. And maybe Tuesday?

I guess they are installing Windows 11, or something.

Back in the USAF I went to the bathroom one day when they were doing various upgrades to our building.
The bathroom was closed, a crude sign was stuck to the door saying, "INSTALLING WINDOWS."

I am not joking. My first thought was, "Oh no! This computer stuff has gotten totally out of hand!"

Admittedly, those old DOS-driven toilets were a pain. I could never remember if it was "C:/FLUSH" or if you had to change directories first.

Anyway, everyone already knows that AE landed on that island where Wonder Woman is from. She probably was one of them, anyway.
Got sent a link to this crap today. If that is the best picture they can produce of a Lockheed 10 Electra then I am not going to waste my time watching the story.

Did I miss a true story on Earhart or is this just more of the utter bullshit that appears daily on antisocial media?

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Well if it has Jesse Watters reporting you know that it is a load of lies and crap. I'm surprised they didn't include the photoshop/AI Image as being on the moon.

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