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According to the Wiki Tante the Tough Mudder is an adventure sports company that hosts 10-12 mile endurance event obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie that are billed as "probably the toughest event on the planet" and regularly attract 15-20,000 participants over a two day weekend.
Tough Mudder events are a new type of team endurance challenge. According to the New York Times, the events are "more convivial than marathons and triathlons, but more grueling than shorter runs or novelty events (for example, Warrior Dash courses are 3-4 miles, while Tough Mudder courses are 10-12. Contestants are not timed and organizers encourage 'mudders' to demonstrate teamwork by helping fellow participants over difficult obstacles to complete the course. The prize for completing a Tough Mudder challenge is an official orange sweatband and a free beer. It is estimated that 15-20% of participants do not finish. Each event is designed to be unique and incorporates challenges and obstacles that utilize the local terrain.

Anyway I wouldn't go for that.
Capt. Vick, I saw one of those on television the other day. You can have sir. I want no part of it. They think we're crazy here in the south. Terry, it's a type of obstacle course you run on foot, or swim, or wallow, or crawl, or.............well, you get the idea. It ain't easy by any means. At the moment I am winding down after a long day at work, enjoying some music and a cold drink.
lorreena McKennitt is from my hometown Wurger, at this time am at work watching patients sleep....
Ah, right. Used to do that for a job, so count me out. Too bl**dy old and knackered now anyway !!!
At first I thought that maybe a 'Tough Mudder' was someone married to a 'Bad ass Farder' ....
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Watching Mel Brooks' "Springtime For Hitler" on YouTube.
Danm, I just love Mel Brooks - you gotta love a jewish man who's the first to make a million bucks on Adolf Hitler!

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