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49ers beating St. Louis 17-16! They seem to love keeping it close to the end of them. Thats 2 and 0 and with Seattle losing 17-7 right now maybe we got the division to ourselves.
Left my old job yesterday after biggest part of 30 years in the post, Ive got a couple of weeks off before I start in my senior tech support role so just booked a vacation in Lanzarote as a celebration. I fly out on Thursday with the missus for a weeks RNR. lovely.
Starting a new band next to the other one. It'll be just a trio, drums, bass and guitar, so we'll have much more freedom than with the current 7 men fromation. It'll be fun. We'll still go on with the old one, playing in ever increasing gigs, but the new one will be just for fun.

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