What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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I picked up the other P-61 for the next group build and I finally found a way to take close up pictures with the aide of a magnifying glass.

Here is a plane I'm currently working on taken with the aide of the magnifying glass.


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Finally!!! About a month ago I responded to a Craiglist posting of a woman selling a couple canoes. She said they were both sold. She called last Friday and said one of them was still available as her co-worker was going to buy it, but they have made no effort to pay or pick it up. I snapped it up, going to pick it up later this week, just in time for the first snowfall of the year.
Sounds like a good plan !! Bring it over here - I live on the edge of the Pennines, and there should be some good snow in a couple or three weeks from now. If not, I'll try to find a downhill lake !!
Got my monthly haircut today, and at a bargain price.
Ah well: Short back and sides shouldn't be so difficult or time-consuming to do for an experienced hairdresser - paid 100 DKK for the haircut - that's approx. 9 £ or 18 US$.
That's okay at the end of the month, and now I can both see things AND find my ears again!
Nice wind about 30kph and supposed to increase, now the wind is great because it's blowing all the leaves from my trees over the fence to the guys house next door.Last fall I had 30 20kg bags of leafs on the curb for the city for the city so any decrease is a bonus
Probably means nothing to you guys in better climates
So I was driving back from the guitar shop when I pull up to a red light. I look over at the car next to me and I see a young brunette thoroughly enjoying some music. I'm talking bouncing all over, swaying, tossing the hair, screaming the words, the whole nine yards.

The funny part is when I look in my rear-view mirror I see the guy behind me is pointing her out to his passenger and both of them are laughing their arses off! I couldn't help but join in

Definitely took my mind off the jackasses on the road and the moronic road crews who had us weaving back and forth because they blocked two lanes and put the wrong signs outs.....
Cheered me up and brought a tear or two to my eye. Got my biopsy results today and all is clear. But for all you guys out there, if the waterworks start playing up, please go get your PSA checked out.
That's great to hear Vic - and you guys listen to a smart man!

My good thing today?
Got a lot of work done today - and enjoyed it, too.
And managed to make myself a decent dinner tonight without getting hurt!
A juicy red steak, onion sauce and 'taters, and yours truly was more'n happy.
And right now I'm messin' with my 109.
Btw, Crazy Glue rocks in a tight situation - but I bet you all know that already.

EDIT: Cockpit assembled and drying.
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