What Cheered You Up Today?

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Got to shake the hand (and chat for a little bit) of a Marine who was drafted in '43, and spent a little bit of time island-hopping. :salute:
Got a call from the radio station I listen to, telling me that I won a drawing for "The Pacific" DVD set! :D Lets see, its been....10 years since I won something on the radio? Couldn't ask for better timing!

Now I just gotta figure out a time during the work-day to drive across DFW traffic to pick the dang thing up...
1. Finally had time today to immerse myself in some of the old murder cases/police reports/coroner reports that the museum has got stored. *rubs hands*:D

2. Bought myself a new hat badge for my winter hat. :)


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Yes, and I heard on the news that you were having the coldest winter since the 1980s.

So, how is it starting up your car at -17C ? If you think it's not cold enough, come to Canada in February when it is -30C, you'll love it ! ;)
That sounds great, Gnomey - mind you, that's coming from one who has never passed the "Abominable Snowball"-level of skiing, despite holidays in Norway, Sweden and Austria. :lol: :thumbleft:

My good thing today?
We didn't have that many visitors at the museum, mainly because of the snow, so I managed to sketch both doodles and furnituretigers. :)
All this snow and cold makes me not feeling so homesick, this season.... Listen to radio and read the papers, having a laugh.....thinking, you people should experience what I'm used to, this country would, well......you know, stand still!

On the other other hand, I hope that people stay safe, sound and WARM.... :salute:
All this snow and cold makes me not feeling so homesick, this season.... Listen to radio and read the papers, having a laugh.....thinking, you people should experience what I'm used to, this country would, well......you know, stand still!

On the other other hand, I hope that people stay safe, sound and WARM.... :salute:

Well then, you would feel right at home here in my home of Minnesota. Plenty of snow, cold, and most importantly anti-freeze (beer and whiskey) to make a Scantihoovian feel right at home;)
Continued to draw tonight. ;)
Here's today's drawings:


James Macfurnituretiger in front of his Spittiger.


James MacFurnituretiger in profile. He was Angus MacFurnituretiger's grandfather. Angus is the furnituretiger's uncle. The furnituretiger is a character I'm writing stories about and making drawings of - am hoping to use 'em as children's stories. ;)


A stamp that I drew at the museum today.


Disney's characters are fairly easy to draw.

Well - since it's the first time in ages that I've been drawing, I've been enjoying myself greatly. :)
And I also picked up a few things on my way home - all in all a very nice day. ;)

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Must be a pain to apply those decals with those fingernails on your fingers;)

How many women do you know that would go shopping and come home with some nails for thier fingers, decals for thier model airplanes, what appears to be a Betty Boop magnet, and a military patch for thier jacket?
Love it ! Great work Maria.

Aw thanks Terry. :oops:

Must be a pain to apply those decals with those fingernails on your fingers;)

How many women do you know that would go shopping and come home with some nails for their fingers, decals for their model airplanes, what appears to be a Betty Boop magnet, and a military patch for their jacket?

Erm...one? :rofl:
The fingernails are for the christmas luncheon at the museum later this month, they'll be removed as soon as I get home. They'll prolly drive me nuts while wearing them, as I'm not used to having long fingernails. *giggle*
Btw, it's a Betty Boop patch, not a magnet. I know, it's hard to see on that photo. ;)

What cheered me up today?
Working my way through - and scanning - some old police reports today at the museum, from the double murder at Peter Bangsvej in Copenhagen in 1948.
Fascinating stuff, love it! :lol:
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