What Cheered You Up Today?

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Was in a bit of a panic last week because I discovered that I had chucked out all of my feminine clothes, having only work clothes left in my closet; and there's the annual christmas lunch at work soon.
Well...I realised today that - frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
Now that's a relief! Yay! :lol:

What to wear?
Hmmm, I'll either wear my tux, makeup, earrings and that's it, or a shirt, a vest, makeup and earrings - that ought to be enough.
The only thing is that old military boots or my old cop shoes (y'know, with a safety steel-cap inside the leather) don't go well with either, but that's what I've got, so that's what it'll be. :p :lol:
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WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION:shock: Got me thinking, is there a market for used Kilts? If so who would want to wear one knowing what was worn underneath them by the previous owner:|

Slight correction Greg, in true tradition 'what was NOT worn underneath them'........................now I'll leave you hanging on that one..................:p :p :p
Nah, it just means that the closer I get to exam time, the more I doubt myself, as to whether I'm ready, whether I'll know enough to pass, whether my braincell with be attacked by my spleen and have to throw valuable knowledge at it (you know how those spleens hate knowledge) in order to defend itself....
I just received my book in the mail. "The Forgotten Widow," and it contained a piece from the plane currently undergoing restoration... a P-61B. It was really cool being able to hold a small part of my favorite plane in my hand. It was numbered and still had some of the black paint on it. :)
Just passed the second of the two A+ exams. Now I'm certified for life! Well....certified A+. I was already certifiable.

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