What Cheered You Up Today?

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RA, that's cool, congratulations!

I got into one hell of a debate with my buddy Allan, about a case that's in the news today, concerning the danish police.
To avoid getting into the political spectrum (- if not an explanation that'll take several pages...), well...let it be sufficient to say that Allan and I disagree...BIG time. :lol:

So far, I ended the debate today with one remark: "Goddammit Allan, the police is where i WORK!" *lol*
I'm looking forward to his reply tomorrow, because - usually - we end our debates with lots of humour. :D *rubs hands*
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Congrats RA on your exams. :)

Here is the photo I promised Messy... A piece of a black widow I can call my own... :)


  • home 001.jpg
    home 001.jpg
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Got my fishing equipemnt ready late last night, picking up bait during my lunch hour today, and am walking out onto a local lake tonight for the first Ice Fishing of this season. Can't wait. Ice isn't supposed to be very good, but should hold me if I just walk out, I hope;)
My folks back in the old country...

And of course, you crazy and ever so slightly disfunctional lot on here...
Life would a lot more boring without anyone of yous, hope that you know that!
Don't thank you often enough for your time and friendship...

Thank You!
My parents gave me some money today, so that I can go and buy the fountain pen that I want for christmas.
The only prob is: Where the %¤# do I find a shop in Cph. that sells good fountain pens? lol
I'll figure it out, Google is my friend. ;)
1. Found the fountain pen I was hunting for, plus the shop and the lady who helped me find the right pen was an all-out kind and positive experience, and not some snobbish-like b*tch. Thank God. :lol:

2. Upcoming documentary on DR2 tonight about the tragic bombing of the Shell House - back then, the Gestapo HQ) in Copenhagen in 1945. (The RAF bombers accidentally hit the neighbouring building, the French School...) Yes, it's a deeply tragic event of WW2, but it's also going to be fascinating with some new, never before seen footage from the RAF bombers' flight over Copenhagen.
Am definitely recording that program.

3. Christmas shopping over and done with. :lol:
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Sound good Maria. BTW, I've actually got that footage you mention, on VHS. It was provided by the IWM, to assist in the research for my painting, on the strict understanding that it would not be shown, loaned out or copied etc, on pain of imprisonment in the Tower of London!
There is some extremely low level stuff, below roof-top height, actually down the streets of Copenhagen!
Hopefully, the programme will reveal that the children who died at the Jeanne D'Arc school were not killed by the accidental bombing, but by drowning in the cellars, when the Fire Service put out the blaze.
The most evil piece of medical equipment ever "The Foley catheter" has been removed . I think they could use something other then a garden hose

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