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44 years after losing the Royal the Canadian Armed Forces will reinstate the Royal in aiir force and navy , not that I have any attachment to the UK or the Royal family it's the tradition

Judging from Wills' recent visit the Canadians love the Windsor's more than we do !!
The former Colonies love us still...
Judging from Wills' recent visit the Canadians love the Windsor's more than we do !!
The former Colonies love us still...
Spare me sweet Jesus.Saving expats I really don't think you've been all that since 1917 . Some of the places they visited people would come out in droves to see Boxcar Willie
Spare me sweet Jesus.Saving expats I really don't think you've been all that since 1917 . Some of the places they visited people would come out in droves to see Boxcar Willie

There is no denying the enthusiasm for the Royals in Canada.....I should coca
I must admit that I posted that tongue in cheek knowing you love Britain.
Her Maj was driven around Plymouth a few years ago, she didn't get out the limo as Plymothians are far too common and may shout some inappropriate remark like 'when are you lot going to pay for yourselves ?'
1917? that's when the USA joined in WW1 wasn't it?
There is no denying the enthusiasm for the Royals in Canada.....I should coca
I must admit that I posted that tongue in cheek knowing you love Britain.
Her Maj was driven around Plymouth a few years ago, she didn't get out the limo as Plymothians are far too common and may shout some inappropriate remark like 'when are you lot going to pay for yourselves ?'
1917? that's when the USA joined in WW1 wasn't it?
1917 Vimy Ridge
At least the Canadian Forces wont feel collectively like 'the Forces formally known as...' now, and the prospect of the same uniform design(s) in more normal morale boosting respective force colourings if they can.
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- finding four available washing machines in our laundrette, and since the weather is perfect for drying clothes today, with sunshine, low humidity and a light wind (- and I had started buying new socks and shirts just to have something clean to wear...), it's definitely laundry time. :D
I'm now unexpectadly retired don't know if its good or not , I guess its to be determined.
And Sunny 91 posted the video of the guys from Buffalo Air (Ice Pilots) reenacting with the help of a Brit University the raid on the Dams using a DC4 I thought it was well done
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I'm now unexpectadly retired don't know if its good or not , I guess its to be determined.

Best move I ever made, have enjoyed every moment of it.
My parents is giving me a trip to Greenland, so that I can finally get to see the country where I was born - and get to meet my biological mother and brother.
I'm totally out of it right now, I'm both moved, very very very grateful, happy, excited...wow!!!
As I said: Out of it.
Oy. Oy. Oy.
That's great news Maria !
Just had it confirmed that my youngest daughter has been accepted for London University, to read History. Good news for her part, the final module is World War two, so she's really pleased ! Two weeks from now will be a busy time for her, as she moves to London to her campus accommodation, and at the same time will be going to my nephew's wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral !
Was able to tour a WWII fleet boat and a fully restored Liberty ship while on our 10yr anniversary! The sub was super cool. The Liberty ship is the only one left that has been fully restored and is sea worthy. She was present at the 75th anniversary of D-day at Normandy.8)


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