What Cheered You Up Today? (4 Viewers)

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Going golfing for the first time this year. Before the recession, I used to golf 70-80 rounds during our 6 month season. Since '08, I've golfed 11 rounds. Go to the "What Annoyed You Today?" later today to see the results.

You learn something new aevery day, thanks Gnomey, forgot about them bursaries, been a few years since I was at uni failing - well at least my student loan debt for both years is still under one 'modern' years un-bursaried cost, well for another 3 or so years anyway; an extra £250 per year is added while its unpaid.
I am getting ever so closer to 1,000,000 posts............. I'll get that pin even if it takes me 15 friggin years.............. ooooo, a 15 year pin as well.

Hear that Paul. You and your doubbble posts, Heh!

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