What Cheered You Up Today?

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Time to cool the wheels down after a great day being silly on the moors.

I believe that burny yellow thing in the sky is called the Sun, the first day of 2014 that wasnt raining, hailing, blowing a force 8 and there were even patches of ground that werent under water

I thought a Prom was something like the sea-front at Tynemouth!

What cheered me up?
Receiving a totally unexpected, large parcel, from King Kit, courtesy of our Swettish friend !
He's no such a bad Muppet after all !!
Shopping, ex- Para, man style!
Teaching April the correct way of doing things then, Red Two?
Too right mate.
I had already done a recce of posh dress shops in Darlington for a planned shopping trip on Friday.

Was at the vets near where I live with the dog when I noticed a dress shop over the road so we went in saw what she liked so like I said job done, though missus is not happy she missed out !
La Poste has been good to me, if slow. I wish I had opened my bank account with them now and not with Credit Agricole. When I wanted to withdraw 1,000€ of my own money the b*ggers wanted to know what I wanted it for! I told them it was to hire wh•res for my birthday party and to mind their own business. (and no it wasn't.)

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