What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Yet another boy band splits....let's get the party started! :lol:


"I come online on twitter and the first thing I see is rumours about 1d splitting up. DOES THE DRAMA EVER END?!?!?!"

"Literally retching at the fact 1D are splitting up, av never been this upset in all of me absolute life man. Never."

"When I thought I got over zayn leaving one direction stop crying&I expected it but I hear this my life is over I'm not gonna get over this:("

"1D is The Rolling Stones of this era, they will not end this, there will be a few breaks like ANY OTHER ARTISTS,"

Time to crack another beer open!
My daughter and son-in-law finally had enough for a down payment on a house. After the 2008 crisis, my country decided that new home owners require a 20% down payment or go through CMHC, a right pain in the keester if all your ducks aren't in a row. They take possession Sept. 30 so after 2yrs., 4mths. and 6 days, me and the missus will be on our own for the first time since Oct. 3 1985.

Great stuff for your daughter and son-in-law, and for you and Mrs Geo !
I'll bet you're well chuffed - have a cigar and a shot of your favourite tipple ..... but don't let Jan know, or he'll be round to your place like s*it off a shiny shovel !!
One of the guys that washed pots in my kitchen left last week to pursue a career in gymnastics.
He came back in today with a bottle of beer for me(ok it was only Budweiser but the thought was there), and a hand written letter basically saying how great he thought I was as a boss and a person.

Cheered me up no end on a day I have been disappointed to learn I didn't get a job I interviewed for earlier in the week !
One of the guys that washed pots in my kitchen left last week to pursue a career in gymnastics.
He came back in today with a bottle of beer for me(ok it was only Budweiser but the thought was there),

I hate to say this, but if it was a bottle of American Budweiser he was not telling you thanks or that you were a great guy, just the opposite :evil4:

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