What Cheered You Up Today?

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Two things:
1) A day off where I can sleep in.
2) Finally took the finished pictures of my Group Build entry and posted them.
Three dudes from France making the cool promotional video for Croatian tourism. The video is also featured on web site of Croatian government.

Good things and not so good things today, but it seems to be working out OK in the end - I hope !
Finally got the spare gas bottle delivered for the 'Tin Tent', and got a new battery fitted also.
But the van is now a bit lighter, as the front spoiler fell off !!
Getting it stuck back in place on Friday - I think an Asian chappie jumped his car forward into the front of the van, as he was parking and then reversing last night, as I saw his car lurch forward. Didn't think much of it at the time, but I reckon it was enough to snap one of the bolts at one corner, and when I moved off, the darn thing imitated an anchor, the went under the van !
Still, a nice white line of glass fiber, in the center of a black front spoiler, is all the rage these days, so I'm told ................

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