What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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That's brutal Tomo. Me whining about working 24 straight nights is no longer valid. On a me note, after waiting 2 years, I was ffinally qualified on the 988 loader. The wait was due to 2 dickheaded bosses who are no longer here and 2 trainers who thought that if they signed people off, they would eventually be out of work. "Q'd" on 10 pieces of equipment now, just the 390 hoe and 994 loader to go.

Geo, I admire your qualifications and work you do :)

Wow Tomo, you must be bushed !
I hope you're able to relax and enjoy some time off.

Guess the term is 'burned out'? :)
Thanks, next month will not be such a busy one, and from start of November until end of January I will not work, loading up batteries for the next working season.

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