What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Now if I can just find a job. :)[/QUOTE said:
You can have mine!!!

This is what cheered me up today. Last day of work this week, then it's 5 days a vegetating in the north woods of Minnesota. Going to do some fishing, hunting, relaxing, and maybe a little drinking (not Jan style, to excess type of drinking though, my stomach can't handle alchohol as much as it used to).

P.S. BBQ'ed 3 racks of Ribs and made some homemade BBQ sauce this past weekend for a little get together of friends. Om Nom Nom Nom!!!
On the subject of jobs, yesterday I began the wonderful process of deciding where I want to do the next 2 years of my training (and actually get paid!), having to rank 20 different areas of the country is quite daunting. Especially when I'm not sure where I want to end up yet...

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