What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Four Jacksonville Jaguars arrested at 4 AM over a £50,000 ($65.000) unpaid bar bill in London on the day of the match in Wembley. The excuses and justifications by the commentators wanting to promote the game were hilarious.
Congrats on the new young one.

What cheered me up today, last work day of the week, then up to northern Minnesota for 6 days to a Shack with no TV!!! No more having to see lying a$$ political ads this season after today.
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Adler, Enjoy them while you can. At first, it seems like it takes them a long time to grow up, but before you realise it, they are out and you look at pictures and wonder where the time went. My last one married her man,both just out of college, he joined the Coast Guard and they are over 2000 miles away in California. It is quieter now, but nothing gets done around here since I discovered this forum.

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