What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Maybe this summer I have enough time and money to start learning Guitar! And then going for singing...

I actually like to sing, rather than play anything.

Musicians, Singers, any tips?
Maybe this summer I have enough time and money to start learning Guitar! And then going for singing...

I actually like to sing, rather than play anything.

Musicians, Singers, any tips?

Guitar is good for accompaniment if you enjoy singing. And as my jazz teacher once told me "the best thing about it is that it's easy to learn and impossible to master" -- meaning that you get self-satisfaction and encouraging results quickly, but you never get tired of trying something new and more difficult, if that's your bent.
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Maybe this summer I have enough time and money to start learning Guitar! And then going for singing...

I actually like to sing, rather than play anything.

Musicians, Singers, any tips?
Coming from a 40 yr professional musician, my advice is simple: Practice and realize learning will never end and you'll never be satisfied. If you quit practicing and are ever satisfied, take up weaving.
Did the doctors tell you you that you will be up and around in a couple of days? Mine did. They lied.
Had the two lower male only ones done last year - nearly two months before being able to work fully and still get twinges -
better than having my internal organs trying their best to annex my scrotum.

This one is the standard near the belly button one but due to delays with covid etc it went from walnut size to grapefruit so it
will be more than a couple of days. Doctor seemed more interested in telling me I shouldn't smoke, drink, or eat bacon.
You need a different doctor.
Not a worry it was the surgeon so probably won't ever see him again.

My doctor is cool - "Eat what you like - you're going to die anyway". I just wish the health
nuts would get that in their heads.
My wife has been striving for perfect health since we got married. She spends more on doctors, specialists and eating plans than the rest of the household combined. Then she browbeats the rest of us for not taking care of ourselves. It can get quite annoying.
Don't worry - she's doing it just for you.
I am cheered by the fact that I did not drop my 1997 Toyota Celica on myself today when I removed the Right engine mount and jacked up the engine, even managing to get a jackstand under the engine to support it more firmly.

And unlike when I worked on it yesterday, I did not have to spend over 30 min just trying to disconnect the electrical connectors on the alternator, and I am not bleeding.

But there is always tomorrow.

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