What Cheered You Up Today?

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Seeing these guys (among others) at the first Sligo Airshow today - it was awesome!

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Myself, no Rob. I don't like to photograph or video air displays, as I prefer to watch them with my eyes than through a viewfinder.
The Cat was too far away on the ground to catch properly with the phone (even the above pics were taken by holding the phone camera through gaps in a fence!).
That said, we were close to the runway for the entire show, so dad photographed and filmed alot of it. I will see what he sends me and post it here in a thread.

AT-6: enjoy mate!





My son is home early from AT. He was recognized for excellence by the commander of the Wisconsin National Guard.
He's leaving tomorrow for the Master Gunner's Course. He's also got a slot for Sniper School.
His mom is horrified. :eek:
I couldn't be prouder.:cool:
So they are to teach him about Snipe hunting?

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