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I changed the oil in my airplane for the first time since I installed the new exhaust pipes - and it was a nightmare. The new pipes prevent you from getting a suitable container under the drain plug and even if you do manage to squeeze one in there by bending it you have to turn it sideways to get it out, which of course dumps the oil out. It was a huge mess.

Then I realized that the objective was NOT to get a container under the engine but instead get the oil OUT. And just a few thousand years or so ago someone invented tubular conduits that allow liquid to flow through them unimpeded. I think I even have some in my house somewhere, probably the bathrooms. So I found I have scrap piece 2 inch PVC pipe with a 90 degree elbow and I'll be able to stick it under the drain plug and bring the oil out at a 90 degree angle out the side of the engine compartment and then down into an old laundry detergent jug. The eternal problem of not dropping the drain plug is also solved since I can stick a piece of screen wire in he PVC pipe to catch it and thus avoid fishing around in the oil pan with my bare hands to find it.

Of course, there is no reason I could have not been doing this for the last 35 years and thereby avoid doing the work of three grown men named Moe, Larry, and Curly Joe.
Congratulations. What's the engine type?
Is this contrivance FAA approved?
The tools you use to work on an airplane do not have to be FAA approved. Now, for $100 - $150 you can get a oil drain plug that has a built in valve to enable you to open the drain plug instead of remove it, and that item has to be FAA approved, but that does not solve the problem of how to get the oil collected and and removed from the engine compartment.
Our electricity came back on after 2 1/2 days! Not a big issue for us as we have an automatic back up generator, but with snow, winds & -6 F temps it would have been a big problem for anyone without a generator to keep the heat on!

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