What Cheered You Up Today?

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My wife and daughter are back from their trip to Rome. They are exhausted. Apparently, their tour guide was the architect of the Bataan Death March.
They covered an average of 7+ miles of walking per day for 10 days. Saw more churches in two weeks than they have seen in their entire lives.
By the end my poor wife needed a wheelchair.
I asked: Was it worth it?
Her reply: I would do it again in a heartbeat!
If you guys decide to do Athens let me know. We had an unbelievable guide. Spoke seven languages, guided in five, doctorates in history, and a great gal to boot.
Cobi makes some pretty high quality sets, I really enjoy them. Hope you enjoy them too
Some strong storms went through SC yesterday and one of the casualties was a huge oak tree in the front yard of my grandparents former home, which we rent out. Fortunately, the tree had shed a large limb a few years back, which fell and destroyed a concrete planter. That led me to hire a firm to cut the limbs off the tree that could endanger the house, at a cost of almost $3K. The tree is on the property line and the only limb that fell yesterday hit the house next door. So once in a while I actually get something right!

Of course it will take several thousand$ to take the rest of the tree down, which is what I suspect will be required, but that cost should be shared with the people next door, who now have an incentive to fix the problem.
Mark your calanders, boys!
Our inside sales guy actually came out of the office to personally apologize for screwing up an order I sent out yesterday. Seems the customer wanted 5 parts, not 50.
So we got 45 parts back today. At least they are stock, and not custom.
Kudos to the guy who owned up.

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