What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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Seems the customer wanted 5 parts, not 50.
At Tinker AFB the guys at the engineering test lab decided that they needed to have some nails handy for various projects. So they ordered 10 lb through the Air Force supply system. So a few days later 3 lb of nails came. Then 3 lb the day after that, followed by 4 lb a few days later. Okay so their 10 lb of nails had been delivered. But a couple of days later another 4 lb of nails showed up, and another 3 lb the day after that, and so on, until one day a truck pulled up and unloaded something like 3 tons of nails.
Youngest son got a job offer today to work from home for a large global company. He's the one I was talking about in the "What Made Me Sad Today..." thread. He'll get to work from home (lucky sot) and he'll be making more (by a decent amount) than his old job with the possibility of some travel. Thank God.

I've also managed to keep the bank off his back for car payments but it feels like a ton of lead just came off the old shoulders you know?
Youngest son got a job offer today to work from home for a large global company. He's the one I was talking about in the "What Made Me Sad Today..." thread. He'll get to work from home (lucky sot) and he'll be making more (by a decent amount) than his old job with the possibility of some travel. Thank God.

I've also managed to keep the bank off his back for car payments but it feels like a ton of lead just came off the old shoulders you know?
Just made me happy !
Youngest son got a job offer today to work from home for a large global company. He's the one I was talking about in the "What Made Me Sad Today..." thread. He'll get to work from home (lucky sot) and he'll be making more (by a decent amount) than his old job with the possibility of some travel. Thank God.

I've also managed to keep the bank off his back for car payments but it feels like a ton of lead just came off the old shoulders you know?

Great news!
Youngest son got a job offer today to work from home for a large global company. He's the one I was talking about in the "What Made Me Sad Today..." thread. He'll get to work from home (lucky sot) and he'll be making more (by a decent amount) than his old job with the possibility of some travel. Thank God.

I've also managed to keep the bank off his back for car payments but it feels like a ton of lead just came off the old shoulders you know?
That is good news! A very good way to start the weekend.
Youngest son got a job offer today to work from home for a large global company. He's the one I was talking about in the "What Made Me Sad Today..." thread. He'll get to work from home (lucky sot) and he'll be making more (by a decent amount) than his old job with the possibility of some travel. Thank God.

I've also managed to keep the bank off his back for car payments but it feels like a ton of lead just came off the old shoulders you know?
It's always good when things are on the up and up. Pleased for you and your son and may he prosper. :thumbright: :D
Youngest son got a job offer today to work from home for a large global company. He's the one I was talking about in the "What Made Me Sad Today..." thread. He'll get to work from home (lucky sot) and he'll be making more (by a decent amount) than his old job with the possibility of some travel. Thank God.

I've also managed to keep the bank off his back for car payments but it feels like a ton of lead just came off the old shoulders you know?

Just catching up with this. What fantastic news. Thrilled for your family!
Taking Friday off, so three day weekend. After having the Vampire draw some blood at the doctors office in the morning I'm heading to the rifle/pistol range for a couple hours, then up north to a buddies place for the rest of the weekend. Throw some beanbags (Cornhole), toss some Tomahawks (if I get a target made), throw some grub on the grill (something called a Crack Burger), and toss back a beer (OK, probably more than a beer). I'll let you know on Monday of I survived.

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