What Cheered You Up Today? (3 Viewers)

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I've been asked to set up a booth at a fundraising event for a proposed national WW2 monument. They would like me to set up uniforms and artifacts and talk to people at the event. Unfortunately, I will be in Germany at the time and cannot.
Is this understandable?
Makes a 4 litre tubs worth.

Ignore spelling this is my work recipe book.

After being at the doctors office from 12:30-4:00, I am happy to have no broken ribs. Ribs 5 and 6 are severely bruised, kneecap bad contusion and she wants to do a MRI on my shoulder. Throw in some fun PT two times a week and I should be good as a 58 year lad can be. Lots of pain, but nothing broken thank goodness.
After being at the doctors office from 12:30-4:00, I am happy to have no broken ribs. Ribs 5 and 6 are severely bruised, kneecap bad contusion and she wants to do a MRI on my shoulder. Throw in some fun PT two times a week and I should be good as a 58 year lad can be. Lots of pain, but nothing broken thank goodness.

I don't know. The youth of today complain about the most minor of injuries. Back in my day, unless we had 12 broken ribs and three broken knees, we just got on with the job.

All joking aside - I hope the MRI finds nothing worse than bruising of the bone as that is a bugger of an area to get injured because it is difficult to prevent movement to allow rapid healing..
I don't know. The youth of today complain about the most minor of injuries. Back in my day, unless we had 12 broken ribs and three broken knees, we just got on with the job.

All joking aside - I hope the MRI finds nothing worse than bruising of the bone as that is a bugger of an area to get injured because it is difficult to prevent movement to allow rapid healing..
You are sadly correct. Many are very delicate and fragile.
I don't know. The youth of today complain about the most minor of injuries. Back in my day, unless we had 12 broken ribs and three broken knees, we just got on with the job.

All joking aside - I hope the MRI finds nothing worse than bruising of the bone as that is a bugger of an area to get injured because it is difficult to prevent movement to allow rapid healing..
I had it done about 18 years ago when I first met my wife. She drove me to the PT afterwards.

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