What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Watched Judgement at Nuremburg. Great movie!
The Sand Pebbles, ok movie, not worth the almost 4 hours you have to dedicate to watching it!
Grand Prix from '66.....

Wow, the John Frankenheimer movie with James Garner and Eva Marie Saint? I still love EMS in "North By Northwest"...she was one sexy "femme fatale" turned damsel in distress. BTW, "Grand Prix" has some amazing photography in it (as I'm sure your aware), some of the best "at speed" camera work...Love it!!!!
I just saw Jennifer's Body (2009), and I really liked it...I'm not really sure why so many people where disappointed in the movie. One guy said the movie "sucked" because Megan Fox's nude scene was cut-out, but that can't be the only reason people didn't like it...can it? Its not a great movie, but its pretty far from crap...much more watchable then several recent movies people seemed to love...
Pandorrum....A pair of crew members aboard a spaceship wake up with no knowledge of their mission or their identities,( sf horror trhiller)

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