What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Avatar...3D ...that is one film that rocks !...going to see it again on this wednesday ....teehee

Unfortunately...I now have fantasies about 15 foot high skinny, blue coloured girls with prehensile tails....I'm off for a cold shower !:oops:
How was it Gepp?
it was tops :D unreal film its not at all what i expected it was funny had awesome action great special FX for a low budget film very cool film
but i could see the take off of South Africa's apartheid era in District 6.
Last movie at a cinema was Avatar in 3D, absolutely awesome visuals from beginning to end; the best visual experience I've ever watched.

Last DVD movie on t.v. was 'Changeling', (Directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Angelina Jolie) set in 1920s and 30s Los Angeles. A brilliantly made period film, superbly set with great propped and digitally enhanced street secenes from the era, but with quite a disturbing story if it is completely true (as it is claimed to be a true story).
I saw a Roberto Rossellini film Un pilota ritorna (1942). Its an Italian war movie made in 1942. Its about a bomber pilot who gets shot down and captured by the British, he then escapes back behind Italian lines by stealing a Hurricane.

Here are some screen shots from the film. The Hurricane has an interesting camo pattern on it.


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