What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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As part of my film class I have, we're required to watch North by Northwest. Having never seen it before, I watched the movie on youtube(the DVD in the library was taken). I can see why it's very acclaimed, I thought the movie was well done.

The movie is also known as the first of Hitchcock's Masterpiece period in which he made "Vertigo", "Psycho" and "The Birds". Awesome movie!

I have been immersed in the "Band of Brothers" DVD set I bought 2 weeks ago. Can't stop........
The movie is also known as the first of Hitchcock's Masterpiece period in which he made "Vertigo", "Psycho" and "The Birds". Awesome movie!

I have been immersed in the "Band of Brothers" DVD set I bought 2 weeks ago. Can't stop........

It was, I never seen Psycho, only the crappy remake starring Vince Vaughn. I'm also interested into seeing Rear Window.
About Avatar, my grandma got my grandpa to see it on his birthday. Special effects were great, he said, but he wasn't thrilled with the plotline. Halfway in the movie, he was expecting to see Al Gore pop out wearing a white robe to save the world.
"Vanilla Sky" with Tom "Pants on Fire" Cruise

Vassili, definately see "Psycho" one of the greatest. The great thing is most of Hitchcock's movies can be found in bargin bins for about a $1. I have almost all his movies on DVD, even got his first 20 movies on 4 DVDs for $10 in EBay. I know it was a school project but some of his best were...

"The Lady Vanishes"
"The 39 Steps"
"Rear Window"
"The Man Who Knew Too Much" (both versions - he did one in 1935 and in 1957)

Great director. As you watch, you'll see a style that was unique from other directors. And he was one of the first to place himself in cameos appearance in his movies. Great fun trying to find out where. :)
About Avatar, my grandma got my grandpa to see it on his birthday. Special effects were great, he said, but he wasn't thrilled with the plotline. Halfway in the movie, he was expecting to see Al Gore pop out wearing a white robe to save the world.

I was never tempted to leave but I did sigh a few times at different messages that the director was putting out there. Cameron and Stone are political birds of a feather.

Did any one catch the blatant rip off of the door gunner in Platoon's "Get Some" when the same clown was flying in Avatar?
Thanks Njaco, I'll keep my eyes out.

drgondog, I haven't seen either Full Metal Jacket or Avatar, but wouldn't someone like the gunner from FMJ be bounced out of the army?

Biker Babe- Yeah, he's good for a couple of one-liners. Some of it rubbed off on my dad, and likewise for me. :)
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I was never tempted to leave but I did sigh a few times at different messages that the director was putting out there. Cameron and Stone are political birds of a feather.

Did any one catch the blatant rip off of the door gunner in Platoon's "Get Some" when the same clown was flying in Avatar?

Actually drgondog, the "Get Some" guy wasn't from Platoon. He was from Full Metal Jacket. Just thought I clarify.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S06nIz4scvI

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