What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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Is 2012 any good Wayne?

We just saw 'District 9' which is brilliant and I'd highly recomend it for a gritty story, with real characters rather than the usual Hollywood clones.
Is 2012 any good Wayne?

We just saw 'District 9' which is brilliant and I'd highly recomend it for a gritty story, with real characters rather than the usual Hollywood clones.

Well...the special effects are real good...the story average...I didn't mind it though...the surviving each catastrophy by the skin of your teeth gets a good working over thats for sure!

I loved District 9 !!:D
"Sherlock Holmes". Totally rewrites all the movies/shows from the ....50's and 60's? Not bad, though, and they did leave it wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide open for sequels. Nice.

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